Sunday, February 26, 2012

The Oscars!

If you live in America, or keep up with current events then you know that The Oscars Aired on ABC this past Sunday, February 26. The Oscars are a celebration of the achievements during the film industry in the last year, but I am sure that you all knew that.


Like many Americans I watched the full 4 hour special, and what seems to amaze me every year is all of the movies that I have never heard of that win. This year for example the film "The Artist" that won Best Actor and Picture of the Year.

So with that being said, "The Artist" is officially on my Bucket List!

BUCKET(Things to do before I die) LIST

  • Sky Dive
  • Stand up to a B**CH!
  • Have a pay check over $3,000
  • Ride my bike to college
  • Eat Subway everyday for a month
  • Run for Congressional Office
  • Move to Phoenix
  • Watch "The Artist"
But to me I believe that the Academy has it wrong, and forgets to nominate some of the better movies America has seen. Here is one that comes to mind!


But we know better, how can a movie with a special needs person get nominated? But come to think of it Forrest Gump was nominated....


Billy Crystal was the host. This makes his 9th Appearance as the Host. Really Academy, was everyone else busy that night or something?

Nine times is a charm!

But probably my favorite part of The Oscars is the fashion. I am not one to EVER have ANY fashion sense, but I am amazed at what people are willing to spend on a gown for one evening. And having witnessed that in person while watching my mom buy my sisters wedding dress I watched closely this year.

My vote for best dressed couple!
Yeah, the Muppets won an Academy Award too!

Gingers should never wear red. I know I can be guilty of it sometimes... but really Emma?

Beautiful dress, wrong color! Still love you Stone!
Emma be prepared to be ripped apart by The Fashion Police(Joan Rivers) tomorrow!
Oh, and you gals too.........

Yikes! Ladies!
It was a great show! I enjoyed all 240 minutes of it! But of the movies that I did see I would recommend them to anyone. Truly great films of 2011!


You all know how I feel about Brad.
But it was still a good movie!

Excellent Movie!

But I truly can't wait to see this!

Some Oscar Facts!
  1. Oscar winners don’t really own their statues. Upon being presented with their award, winners must sign an agreement stating that should they wish to sell their statuettes they must first offer them to the Academy for $1.
  2. The Kodak Theater, which has been the most recent home of the Oscars, seats 3,332 people. Of course, not everyone shows up — which is why those famous seat-fillers make $125 an hour making the place look full.
  3. There has only been one Oscar winner named Oscar: Oscar Hammerstein II, who won two for best song.
  4. While the Oscar staute is perhaps the most recognizable icon of the event, the phrase“And the winner is…” is perhaps even more famous. Originally used by the award’s presenters to announce the recipient of an award, the phrase was quietly abandoned in 1989. Since then, the preferred lead-in has been “And the Oscar goes to…”, presumably to make the losers feel better.
  5. The record for shortest speech is shared by William Holden and renowned director Alfred Hitchcock. They both simply said, “Thank you."

I love movies, and The Oscars!

Hope you had a great Sunday night, and that life is beautiful wherever you are!


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