Friday, February 24, 2012

Hockey,Hockey, Hockey!

So I am going to tell you two stories. Don't worry they intertwine!

STORY ONE: Acquiring the tickets!

On January 30 we had a company party. At the party we played games and ultimately enjoyed each others company, without customers! The store owner Kevin shut the store down early so we could hangout! We had a raffle and my boss gave out some really good prizes! One of those including an XBOX, oh and 32" TV. I know, you wish you worked where I do!

Here are some pictures that I captured from the evening!

The office hook up! Just Kidding! Here are two of my co-workers,
they fell in love with the butterburger, and each other!

This is one of my bosses Christina! Thug Life!
Here were the raffle prizes! I guess I forgot to mention there
was an iPod too

This is Kim and Patrick, at the party we played a
shaving creme game!

This is the owner Kevin, and his daughter Briana.

We also played a donut game! Daniel loves Donuts!

And a cupcake game! Dan loves cupcakes!

We all get along so well!

We all had a great time! Especially at the after party!!

But aside from the big prizes there were a lot of little prizes too! One of them being hockey tickets to Arizona vs. Arizona State! But unfortunately I didn't win them. My co-worker Jessica did, but she already had tickets so she gave them to me! Thanks Jess, you're the best!

So these lovely tickets now belong to me!
Can you tell which team I am going for?

STORY TWO: What I did with my tickets!

I decided to take my cousin Nicole! If you read my blog religiously then you know who she is!We met some of my other co-workers that got tickets, and had a pretty good time!

Before the Game. Nicole could pull off that scarf in the
middle of June! Flawless!

Well hello boys!

TCC! You hold so many memories!

Inside the Game!

Spoiler ALERT: We lost.
Who do we hate? ARIZONA STATE!

Nicole just had a manicure done! Also Flawless!

We were really upset that we lost!

Me and Nicole with some of my co-workers after the game!
Who brought the chick on the far right in the peacoat?

Nicole jammin' with the drum guy who was trying to make
a couple extra bucks after the game!
After the game my co-workers went to party, but Nicole and I met some friends for hot wings at Chuy's!

We demolished these bad boys in about 10 minutes!
Arena food is just too damn expensive!
Hockey is such a great sport, especially when you have really good (free) tickets!
All in all had a great night!

Hope life is beautiful wherever you are!


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