Friday, February 3, 2012

Lets Get Personal.

Recently I had a Red Box addiction. Some weeks I can go without watching a movie and be perfectly fine. Lately, I have been renting Red Box movies like no other. I stumbled across this movie and it hit so close to home it was ridiculous. 

Originally an independent film.
    50/50 was inspired by a true story, a comedy centered on a 27-year-old guy who learns of his cancer diagnosis, and his subsequent struggle to beat the disease.(Source)

While my aunt was not 27, she was 48 when diagnosed, and ended her life when she was 49. The movie goes step by step of the Chemotherapy process. Going to the hospital everyday, and seeing the doctor everyday. The film gives the dirty truth about cancer. 
It was apparent that this movie represented my aunt so well. The heartache and the hope. Through his Chemo, Adam, the main character had to shave his head knowing that his hair was falling out. My aunt Diane did the same.

I found some of these pictures left in my archives.

Diane's hair falling out in clumps after Chemo.

Before.Shortly after last round of Chemo.
My aunt's hair was a big deal but she
knew it had to go. June 2011. Smiling.

During.Shaving her head in the backyard. June 2011. Still smiling.

After. Never stops smiling.
Adam wears a beanie to keep his head warm. So did my aunt.


Aunt Diane at her favorite place. Buffalo Wild Wings. August 2011.

Adam went through major surgeries. So did my aunt.

June 2011. Thumbs up and Smiling!

For Adam the story ended well. He survived. Unfortunately my aunt did not make it. She is gone but will forever remain in our hearts.

50/50: A cancer free Adam. Near end of film.

Diane's Memorial Picture. October 22, 2011.

If you want to know the ugly truth about cancer, then watch this movie. It goes into how Chemotherapy works, how sick you get,  what to do to make you feel better, and how having family and friends surround you is so important. 

One of my favorite pictures.

We miss and love you aunt Di! Hope you're having fun in Heaven. Life is precious, go out and live it.

Hope life is beautiful wherever you are!


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