Sunday, February 19, 2012

Action Packed!

You know when you just need a break from life. Yeah, that happened to me. So I went to Phoenix for the weekend and had such a blast it was ridiculous! I went with two of my best friends that live in Tucson, turns out they needed a break too!

On Friday I picked up Zachary and JohnJohn after class and we headed on the open road!

When we got to Phoenix we headed straight to our friend Jackie's, dropped off our stuff and headed out for dinner. We decided on Applebee's for the soul fact that Jackie had a gift card, and I have no idea what is in the surrounding area.

****Warning there are going to be some crazy pictures in this post!****

This was our outing on Friday night to Applebee's!

Left to Right, Top to Bottom:
Johnjohn, Zachary, Jackie, and Ginger in the Rye!

Johnjohn was caught off guard, Zachary just looks handsome in every picture, Jackie had too many Shirley Temples and I am just a four-eyed Ginger, enough said.

After downing 2, two for $20 meals....We wanted to jump around! So we picked up Kevin, one of my good friends that goes to ASU, *insert throw up sound*, and headed to JumpStreet in Chandler! JumpStreet is a really cool place with huge trampolines, dodgeball arenas, a bull riding ring, and a great place to get your daily exercise in.

Here are some pictures that I recovered from JumpStreet!

Some good people in this picture.

Kevin was BOSS!

Look at that kid smiling!

I fell a LOT!

Why is Zachy so good at everything!

Jackie was PRO!

After we headed to IHOP for sundaes, and shortly after that it was 1am, we called it a night! Drove Kev home to Tempe, and listened to the boys in the back seat snore till Phoenix!

The next morning (Saturday) Jackie had a previous commitment so I picked up the boy's from Justin's (Jackie's super generous special friend that offered to hold up the boys in his super nice house for the weekend!) house...downer of a friend that attends a Christian college, NO BOYS IN THE DORMS AFTER MIDNIGHT OR BEFORE NOON! After I picked them up we went to Subway for lunch (Did you know it's $5 dollar footlongs all.month.long!?!) To kill some time we went to this Christian thrift store and I bought Jackie something for her was only $2. If you look really closely I signed it on the bottom left in one of the squares. It is currently displayed proudly on her wall and can be seen right when you walk in the door. #winning

Here is the painting. It truly set me back a couple of bucks.
Totally worth it!
After Jackie came home, covered in raw egg I might add(another story), I showed her my latest purchase. She loved it! We let her get cleaned up and headed to The Wildlife Zoo/Aquarium in Litchfield, AZ! It was so much fun! We tried to get Kevin to go out with us, but his Animal Rights Activism kicked in a.k.a he had better things to do...DOWNER OF HAVING A LIBERAL FRIEND!

Some pictures from the Zoo! Check these out!

Side Note: I took all of these with my Sony. Yeah, I am that good.

The Flamingos...similar to the two that are sitting in my neighbors front yard.
Don't worry Blogland I have already told the neighborhood association about.
Seriously guy, get some CLASS!
Wouldn't want to be in that tank. Crazy Shark!

I will have one of these at my place soon!

Close up of the tank.

This fish looked pissed. The entire time.

Did you know that Male Seahorses carry the babies?

Check out the neck on this guy!

They were so small. Thought they would be bigger.


More fish. I mean it was an aquarium after all!
Then we went to the Land Animals...Oh wait! Here is Jackie and her favorite Water Animal! (Otters!)

Tappin' the glass!

Mr. Otter!
On the main land!

The Zoo can be very intriguing.

Tortoises...this one is for you Kristin Salerno!

Black on White? or White on Black? To answer your
question, white on black!

The antelope that almost killed Johnjohn. No joke!

"They need to be brushed!" -John Edward Roebuck III (JohnJohn)

Then we got to feed the giraffes! JohnJohn felt right at home.

I ate Subway. This is what they ate. Oh, I think I could be a hand
model by the way. I am currently looking into it!

Jackie was super excited to feed
John's brother! (Inside Joke!)
Well, hello there!

I didn't want to get licked! So I just threw it at him.
Sorry, Kevin.

Johnjohn feeding! Check out the
tongue on this guy.

So cute!
Then we saw some Kangaroos!

I couldn't figure out why his face looked like that!

But then I saw this and my face looked the same!
Keepin' it classy Kangaroos!
Zachy waiting for the Penguins to be fed!
Why are you so photogenic!?! I mean seriously!
All in all the Zoo/Aquarium was amazing! Thanks for the admission coupons Brittany! (Jackie's ginger roommate!)

After the Zoo we drove to see Nama! Remember one of my previous blogs about the Flaherty/Alvarez/ McDonald Family. Well, this is the Grandma! One of the sweetest down to Earth people! I love her. She texts me too! (Bonus) My grandma doesn't even own a Cell Phone! I officially adopted her. She is now and will always be my Phoenix grandma!

I love her!

After Nama's we picked up the pesky Sundevil named Kevin again, met Justin, and went out to The CheeseCake Factory! Kevin, Zachy, John, and Justin had never been there before, and I think they were very impressed! I mean it was The CheeseCake Factory! We really wanted cheesecake but we were too full to even think about dessert, oh well, maybe next time!

Then we went to the Ice Skating Rink, all 6 of us! If you know anything about Tucson you probably know that we don't have an Ice Skating Rink and haven't had one for about 10 years. Which brings me to the conclusion that if you don't have a rink, the town sucks! Way to go city of Tucson! Maybe that is why graffiti is all over the walls! Give the youth something affordable to do!

Here are a few from the Rink!

Arcadia Ice Area, where skating magic happens!
Meet Justin, he is in the middle, can you spot him!?!

Zachy is also good at skating! No surprise!

Mr. Bushway, where is your maroon and yellow tonight?

Pro status!

Look who ended up in the Penalty Box!

Well hello new Facebook default!
Group shot...sorta!

Justin was too dang fast. Literally doing circles around us!

Jackie wanted me to remember her, currently saved on my phone!

Couples skate. Heck yes!
Finally caught a good one! Justin was just too fast!
Oh wait he paused for this one...kinda!

Kevin is sooooooo good at skating!
It has been a while Ice. How are you?
Another photo saved in my phone! Thanks Jacks!

After skating I dropped Kevin off in Tempe with Jackie, and JohnJohn and Zach headed back to Justin's.
We had a little midnight snack (Jackie and Justin) and crashed out!

The next morning we slept in!

Jackie and I caravanned to Justin's, who was at church, to pick up the boys and headed to IHOP for the last meal. No Pun Intended!

This was my view on the way!

Tiger Lily(Jackie's Car's Name) I have missed you!
After IHOP we hugged and parted ways! Jackie went to work, and Johnboy, Zach, and I headed back to Tucson!

Oh the things you see on I10!

I love vacations! But one thing better than a vacation is coming home to a clean house afterwards!

My mom was very impressed! So was I!
I had such a blast in Phoenix! We were talking over breakfast and might make it an annual thing while Jackie is going to GCU! 

Jackie, Zach, John, Kevin, and newest addition Justin, if you are reading this thanks for a great weekend!

Hope life/your weekend was beautiful wherever you are!


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