Monday, January 30, 2012

I Hate Hipsters.But I'm Rocking Ray Bans!

It has been about 4 years since I first started wearing glasses. In those short four years I have been through about 5 pairs. YIKES! Some people can wear their glasses for years without having a scratch on them, however, that is not the case for me. I like to leave them places around town, friends apartments, in my backpack, but not this pair. After my other pair needed a little too much TLC I bought my own pair for once. I went with the Cadillac of glasses. The ever so retro...Ray Bans. Lets make one thing clear. I hate hipsters. I'm talking about the ones that that wear Ray Ban's and a hoodie in the middle of June kind. That listen to old Vinyl Records because it, "Just sounds better!" kind.

This is a typical hipster I am referring to! (Just in case you need a visual!)

Hey, close your legs!

True Story!

Then there is me! I bought the more traditional Ray Bans. I promised myself to take REAL good care of these ones!

Consider, Rocked!

Hope life is beautiful wherever you are!



  1. Shannen,
    I dont know if you remember this or not, but years ago we wre in Mrs. Halfmann's tech apps class AKA catie and shannen doing nothing for forty minutes and one day you came in with a "journal" even though it wasnt very personal because you had read it to like 8 other people, anyways it was absolutely hilarious and i was like "gurrrrlll, you need to keep doing this because its funny ass shiiittt!!" but at the time we didnt know what blogging was so that was the last time i evver saw that notebook. Now that blogging does exist I think that it is perfect for you!!! You get to talk about your personal feelings and whatnot, like a journal but you get to bring smiles to others faces everyday, not like a diary, what i am getting at is that blogging was made for you and you need to keep doin' what your doin' because it is hilarious and you are so great at it.
    I love you,i miss you and i admire you,
    Catherine L. Cromwell
    P.s.I hate hipsters too. they are the scum of the universe.
    P.s.s Go to youtube and watch my drunk kitchen, i feel like you would find it funny. the vegan cheesecake one is my fav.
    P.s.s.i was thinking about Anaheim and Orlando (not loserville) the other day and it reminded me that...


      How the hell are ya? Thanks for reading my blog. Hoping to have a big following in the near future. Maybe you can use your business techniques that you are learning in college to help expand my market!!! I totally miss you too. I was thinking the other day that we need to hang, or lunch, or something cool! Hipsters are retarded and I hope they come across my blog some day. It's like seriously...take an f'ing shower! I still have the "Journal", I thought about posting some stuff, but I read it recently and it was kind of depressing, funny, but depressing. I'm on a new lease on life. It's too short to be mad all the time. I wish I could have told High School me that! I watched the video...hilarious!
      Anaheim and Orlando were the highlight of my H.S experience, partly because you were in it! We had a blast!

      Talk to you soon!
      --Ginger In The Rye
