Monday, January 9, 2012

2011 In Review!

Well, not to be cliche, but this last year had many ups and downs. To begin I turned 18, and for me that was really something. I could buy cigs, mags, and go to the strip club. To be quite honest I did all of those things. Lord please forgive me!

After placing 1st in the State of Arizona for Sports and Entertainment Marketing Management Team Event, my partner Catie and I attended the International Career Developement Conference In Orlando, Florida in May. We competed against thousands of young teens that aspire to have a career in Business( however, business in my sister's thing but I am really good at it!). My fellow DECA Chapter members and I went to places like Universal Studios (Harry Potter World!!!), and Disney World! It was a blast and I can't wait to go back!

Then, I graduated from High School! Probably my greatest achievement yet, and loved spending time with my friends and family on my special day!

After a summer with my friends, I shortly started college. Life was pretty good! But then my aunt who was very sick lost her battle to Cervical Cancer. She was an amazing woman. She lives on in our hearts and her service was beautiful. It was truly a celebration of her life, and the energy of the 400 people that attended remembered her for her smile, fun loving personality, and beauty! If there is one thing I have learned in my short time on earth is that....CANCER SUCKS!

                                                         Linda Diane Johnson
                                                   July 1, 1962 - October 22, 2011

Between homework, tests, and working 40 hours a week at my new job (I guess I forgot to mention that) It was Thanksgiving! Then it was Christmas! My mom, sister, and I went on a spur of the moment vacation to Disneyland! It was so much fun!  I had a fun time on New Years with some of my co-workers!  My life has been crazy this last year, but I wouldn't trade anything! Here are some pictures of my family during the Holidays! 

 Mom, Steph, and me!

Sister, and soon to be brother in law Cory!

Me and Nicole! She is one of my favorite People!
My cousin Nicole
and her Christmas
Nicole and her boyfriend Cody, who is related to Cory.... will explain in another blog!

Well the New Year has just begun! I hope life is beautiful wherever you are! God Bless!


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