Monday, January 23, 2012

All In The Family. Part Two.

So if you have been keeping up you know that I told you about my family. But If you are a fellow ginger then you know that being a red headed step child calls for another family. This family is the type that is warm and inviting. Loves you like your own parents. Sends you texts. Buys you gifts. And are your family you go to when you need a break from your own. For me this would be the Alvarez/Flaherty/McDonald Household(Don't have time to explain all the last names.)


Bob, Bobby, The Bobster
As you can tell Bob is super photogenic! He sells life insurance for CBIZ. I don't know a whole lot about the company, but they give out the most amazing free Chapstick ever! Oh and he gets to travel quite frequently. He has a lot of life experiences that he shared with me. Some are crazier than other but they are crazy! Hands down best person to share a beer with and loves taking pictures!
Meet Kelly!
This is Kelly! I call her "MOM"! She is super nice and always laughs at my jokes. She loves Facebook! She is BIG TIME IRISH! As in they gave me an Irish Claddagh for graduation.  She loves her kids, works hard, and genuinely cares about people.  She is married to Bob who loves pictures and she hates em!

Shayna hates pictures too!
I met Shayna in biology my Sophomore year of High School. We had prior beef with each other in middle school, but that was soon resolved due to my friendliness and shinning personality!  When we started to hangout I soon fell in love with her family as they are great people! Shayna wants to be a Veterinarian! She also loves Facebook! Has a lot of common sometimes I do not!

This is Claudia, she is really smart.

But also can be very sneaky!
Then there is Ashley.....
This picture should sum it up!

Oh and who could forget the Artist of my other family! Valarie, her boo Gino and their adorable baby Lily!
This picture is breath taking.
Hope life is beautiful wherever you are!

Everyone has or had one of these families! They have done more for me then I will ever know!

---Love, your redheaded daughter, (Ginger in the Rye)....Shannen

1 comment:

  1. Aww my sweet Shannen... You are an amazing young lady . You are funny, smart, beautiful and I am so proud to call you one of mine <3
